Adoptive Parents → General

Common Feelings Associated with Being Adopted

[This is a National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC) Right-Time Training course.]

This theme provides an overview of some of the common thoughts and feelings experienced by children and adolescents who have been adopted such as believing that they were responsible for removal from their birth family, internalizing the message that they should be grateful or that they should feel lucky to have been adopted, feeling guilty regarding mixed loyalty issues and experiencing a sense of loss. The theme provides strategies that parents can use to support their children and to help them address and make sense of the thoughts and feelings they may be experiencing.

Course length: 15 minutes

Cost to register: FREE

Certificate: This course offers an attendance certificate only.

Recorded on November 19, 2021.

PLEASE NOTE - This course does NOT provide social work CE credits OR New York contact hours.
  • Common Feelings Associated with Being Adopted - Video
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever