Adoption Professionals → Birth Family Relationships

Inclusive Family Support Model

Adoption agencies have a responsibility to assist adoptive parents to facilitate open adoptions for the health and positive wellbeing of the adoptees. An animated short film provides an easy-to-understand explanation of the Inclusive Family Support Model, highlighting the four quadrants of openness that all adoptive families fall within - Closed, Mediated, Spirit of Openness and Inclusive. This course is based off the theoretical model conceived and published by adoptees JaeRan Kim and Angela Tucker, and is conceptualized through the theoretical perspectives of family systems theory, ambiguous loss and disenfranchised grief, and the transtheoretical model of change. Attendees will leave understanding how openness isn't only about maintaining physical contact with biological family members.

Lori Holden, MA - Author, The Open Hearted Way to Open Adoption
Kara Anderson, MA – Post Adoption Family Support Specialist, Amara

Course length: 60 minutes

Cost to register: $10
If you are a NCFA member, look for your discount code in the membership portal.

Certificate: This course offers an attendance certificate only.

Recorded on September 21, 2021.

PLEASE NOTE - This course does NOT provide social work CE credits OR New York contact hours.
  • Inclusive Family Support Model - Recorded
  • Inclusive Family Support Model - Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever