Adoption Professionals → General

Reaching Expectant Mothers: The Impact of Nationwide Advertising

While online marketing has no doubt expanded the opportunity for adoption professionals to gain an audience with expectant mothers throughout the country, the practice of advertising beyond the geographic bounds of one's professional license raises ethical questions and concerns. Does the concept of a "Nationwide Agency" (without a bricks and mortar presence to back it up) unacceptably compromise the quality of support and education we’re able to provide to our clients? If so, how can licensed adoption professionals collaborate to ensure the viability of our organizations while maintaining high ethical standards? Further, how do we ensure that partnership with unlicensed professionals doesn’t compromise our established standards of practice?

Celeste Liversidge, JD - Adoption Attorney, Adoption Law Group, and Founder, TruAdopt Law
Katherine Monroe, MSW – Social Worker and Adoption Service Provider, Independent Domestic Adoptions
Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard – Director of Advocacy and Policy, AdoptMatch
Jill Cucullu, JD – Adoption Attorney, Adoption Law Group

Course length: 60 minutes

Cost to register: $10
If you are a NCFA member, look for your discount code in the membership portal.

Certificate: This course offers an attendance certificate only.

Recorded on September 23, 2021.

PLEASE NOTE - This course does NOT provide social work CE credits OR New York contact hours.
  • Reaching Expectant Mothers: The Impact of Nationwide Advertising - Recorded
  • Reaching Expectant Mothers: The Impact of Nationwide Advertising - Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever