Adoptive Parents → General

Down Syndrome and Adoption (for Parents)

Watch or listen in as NCFA’s Ryan Hanlon sits down with Stephanie Thompson from the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network and author of the July 2021 issue of the Adoption Advocate, to discuss adoption of children with Down Syndrome. They cover common questions, practical advice for adoptive parents, and important principles of practice for adoption professionals when working with expectant and prospective adoptive parents. Stephanie speaks with wisdom, compassion, and expertise from her own personal experience and years of leading NDSAN.

Ryan Hanlon, PhD – President and CEO, National Council For Adoption
Stephanie Thompson – Director, National Down Syndrome Adoption Network

Interview length: 20 minutes

Cost to register: FREE

Certificate: This course offers an attendance certificate only.

Recorded on June 1, 2021.

PLEASE NOTE - This course does NOT provide social work CE credits OR New York contact hours.
  • Down Syndrome and Adoption - Recorded
  • Down Syndrome and Adoption (for Parents) - Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever